• English (current)
  • Test prototype and feasibility of front-end feature like WET v4.0.x plugin experimental project.

    Last updated: June 14, 2016

    Responsive tables with TableSaw

    (was updated June xx, 2016)


    Github issue reference:

    CIC Drop Down

    (was updated June 20, 2016)

    Refine/Show big list of content into a dropdown presentation. The expected behaviour is the user open up the drop down, choose an item, then either he choose again or the content is ajax-in bellow the control.

    Latest experimental example: http://duboisp.github.io/sandbox-wet4/cicdropdown/index-en.html

    Number of prototype: 2

    Prototype alpha 1

    Only support for one drop down

    Prototype alpha 2

    Support for infinite drop down, the limit are the number of imbricated list


    Operate an app by injecting a specific form interface, then on submit parsing the html result into JSON, then display the result by specifying a template

    (was updated June 20, 2016)

    This is a plugin divided in part:

    Plugin in context
    Interface and interaction with the user.
    Form scraping
    Plugin that contain a pre-configured set of instruction that allow the form scraping
    Core plugin that control the execution order

    The plugin run in the following sequence:

    1. An anchor with a link to the web form to complete Task A
    2. From the config, an inline form, compatible with the destination form, in ajaxed under the link.
    3. The inline form is submited
    4. The data submission is submited, either to a RESTful API or directly to the destination form
    5. If is through the destination form
      1. Send a form post
      2. Wait for an answer
      3. Run a specialized script to extract data
      4. Uniform the presentation of the data, like in a form of an API, also at that stage re-adjust well know information like the language and data status
      5. The data is available through a standardized JSON string
    6. Load the appropriate HTML template based on the data status
    7. Run a light template system that fill the template with the data retreived from the result data.
    8. Output the HTML formated result

    Working example: http://www.ic.gc.ca/eic/site/cipointernet-internetopic.nsf/eng/h_wr00004.html