Displays a dynamic map over which information from additional sources can be overlaid.
Dynamic map example
Example - Remote & File-based Layer Data
Layers are created from file-based formats, feeds, and web API's.
Example - Inline Layer Data
Layers are created from the following tables. An attribute data-geometry
to hold the geometry and an attribute data-type
to hold the geometry type (wkt or bbox) are required for each row.
Rank | Census subdivision | Population 2011 |
1 | Toronto | 2,615,060 |
2 | Montreal | 1,649,519 |
3 | Calgary | 1,096,833 |
4 | Ottawa | 883,391 |
5 | Edmonton | 812,201 |
6 | Mississauga | 713,443 |
7 | Winnipeg | 663,617 |
8 | Vancouver | 603,502 |
9 | Brampton | 523,911 |
10 | Hamilton | 519,949 |
Bounding Boxes
Title | Geometry |
Report on 2011 field activities and collection of ground thermal and active layer data in the Mackenzie Corridor completed under Northwest Territories science licence #14918 | -136, 61, -118, 70 |
Dinoflagellate cysts from upper cretaceous-lower tertiary sections, Bylot and Devon Islands, Arctic Archipelago | -92.5, 72.75, -79, 75.5 |
View code
<!-- GeomapStart -->
<div id="sample_map"
class="wb-geomap position scaleline tab geocoder geolocation aoi"
"layersFile": "demo/config-en.js",
"tables": [{
"id": "bbox",
"tab": false,
"zoom": true,
"visible": false,
"popups": true
"id": "cities",
"zoom": true,
"tab": false,
"popups": true,
"visible": true,
"popupsInfo": {
"id": "citiesPopup",
"height": 200,
"width": 300,
"close": true,
"content": "<div style=\"white-space:nowrap;\"><p><strong>Census subdivision: </strong>_Census subdivision<div><a href=\"#\" class=\"button\" role=\"button\" title=\"Zoom to city\" aria-label=\"Zoom to city\" onclick=\"wb.doc.zoomFeature()\">Zoom to city</a></div></div>"
"style": {
"type": "rule",
"rule": [
"field": "Rank",
"value": [3],
"filter": "GREATER_THAN",
"init": {
"strokeColor": "#0083f5",
"fillColor": "#57a8f0",
"pointRadius": 6,
"fillOpacity": 0.80,
"strokeWidth": 1.0
"field": "Rank",
"value": [2, 3],
"filter": "BETWEEN",
"init": {
"strokeColor": "#F90",
"fillColor": "#F90",
"pointRadius": 8,
"fillOpacity": 0.80,
"strokeWidth": 1.0
"field": "Rank",
"value": [1],
"filter": "EQUAL_TO",
"init": {
"strokeColor": "#F00",
"fillColor": "#F00",
"pointRadius": 10,
"fillOpacity": 0.80,
"strokeWidth": 1.0
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-9">
<!-- Insert Map Start (mandatory) -->
<div class="wb-geomap-map"></div>
<!-- Insert Map End -->
<!-- Insert Legend Start (optional) -->
<section class="wb-geomap-legend col-md-3">
<!-- Insert Legend End -->
<div class="row">
<section class="col-md-12">
<h3>Example - Remote & File-based Layer Data</h3>
<p>Layers are created from file-based formats, feeds, and web API's.</p>
<!-- Insert Layer Data Start (mandatory) -->
<div class="row">
<div class="wb-geomap-layers col-md-12">
<h3>Example - Inline Layer Data</h3>
<p>Layers are created from the following tables. An attribute <em>data-geometry</em> to hold the geometry and an attribute <em>data-type</em> to hold the geometry type (wkt or bbox) are required for each row.</p>
<table id="cities" aria-label="Points" class="table wb-tables">
Table of point geometries.
<th>Census subdivision</th>
<th>Population 2011</th>
<tr data-geometry="POINT (-79.3847, 43.6476)" data-type="wkt">
<td><a href="" title="Toronto">Toronto</a></td>
<tr data-geometry="POINT (-73.56123, 45.52927)" data-type="wkt">
<td><a href="" title="Montreal">Montreal</a></td>
<tr data-geometry="POINT (-114.05879, 51.04668)" data-type="wkt">
<td><a href="" title="Calgary">Calgary</a></td>
<tr data-geometry="POINT (-75.68937, 45.41072)" data-type="wkt">
<td><a href="" title="Ottawa">Ottawa</a></td>
<tr data-geometry="POINT (-113.49590, 53.53398)" data-type="wkt">
<td><a href="" title="Edmonton">Edmonton</a></td>
<tr data-geometry="POINT (-79.65, 43.60)" data-type="wkt">
<td><a href="" title="Mississauga">Mississauga</a></td>
<tr data-geometry="POINT (-97.14352, 49.89375)" data-type="wkt">
<td><a href="" title="Winnipeg">Winnipeg</a></td>
<tr data-geometry="POINT (-123.10091, 49.26428)" data-type="wkt">
<td><a href="" title="Vancouver">Vancouver</a></td>
<tr data-geometry="POINT (-79.76181, 43.68686)" data-type="wkt">
<td><a href="" title="Brampton">Brampton</a></td>
<tr data-geometry="POINT (-79.86788, 43.25717)" data-type="wkt">
<td><a href=",_Ontario" title="Hamilton, Ontario">Hamilton</a></td>
<section class="col-md-12">
<h4>Bounding Boxes</h4>
<table id="bbox" aria-label="Bounding Boxes" class="table table-condensed">
Table of bounding box geometries.
<tr data-geometry="-136, 61, -118, 70" data-type="bbox">
<td>Report on 2011 field activities and collection of ground thermal and active layer data in the Mackenzie Corridor completed under Northwest Territories science licence #14918</td>
<td>-136, 61, -118, 70</td>
<tr data-geometry="-92.5, 72.75, -79, 75.5" data-type="bbox">
<td>Dinoflagellate cysts from upper cretaceous-lower tertiary sections, Bylot and Devon Islands, Arctic Archipelago</td>
<td>-92.5, 72.75, -79, 75.5</td>
<!-- Insert Layer Data End -->
<!-- GeomapEnd -->
Static Map example
Geomap can be configured to provide a static map ideally suited to display a location or bounding box extent.
Address |
615 Booth St., Ottawa (ON), Canada, K1A 0E8 |
View code
<!-- GeomapStart -->
<div id="location_map"
class="wb-geomap static"
"tables": [{
"id": "addNRCan",
"style": {
"type": "symbol",
"init": {
"pointRadius": 12,
"graphicName": "star",
"strokeColor": "#FF0000",
"fillColor": "#FF0000",
"fillOpacity": 0.7
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-4">
<!-- Insert Map Start (mandatory) -->
<div class="wb-geomap-map"></div>
<!-- Insert Map End -->
<!-- Insert Layer Data Start (mandatory) -->
<div class="wb-geomap-layers col-md-4">
<table id="addNRCan" aria-label="NRCan Ottawa office adress" class="table">
<caption class="wb-inv">Natural Resources Canada Ottawa office adress</caption>
<tr data-geometry="POINT (-75.70535, 45.3995)" data-type="wkt">
<td>615 Booth St.,<br />Ottawa (ON),<br />Canada,<br />K1A 0E8</td>
<!-- Insert Layer Data End -->
<!-- GeomapEnd -->
WMS Map example
Geomap can be configured to use a WMS map as basemap. Configuration can be made in the config file in basemap property.
View code
<!-- GeomapStart -->
<div id="location_map"
"layersFile": "demo/configwms-en.js"
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-4">
<!-- Insert Map Start (mandatory) -->
<div class="wb-geomap-map"></div>
<!-- Insert Map End -->
<!-- Insert Layer Data Start (mandatory) -->
<div class="wb-geomap-layers col-md-4"></div>
<!-- Insert Layer Data End -->
<!-- GeomapEnd -->
View config file
var wet_boew_geomap = {
// OPTIONAL: note that Geomap will provide a default basemap if not specified here.
basemap : {
title: "WMS-Toporama",
type: "wms",
url: "",
version: "1.1.1",
format: "image/jpeg",
layers: "WMS-Toporama",
mapOptions: {
maxExtent: "-141, 41, -52, 84",
restrictedExtent: "-141, 41, -52, 84",
maxResolution: "auto",
projection: "EPSG:4269",
units: "m",
displayProjection: "EPSG:4269",
aspectRatio: 0.8
overlays: []
ESRI REST basemap example
Geomap can be configured to use an ESRI REST service as basemap. Configuration can be made in the config file in basemap property.
View code
<!-- GeomapStart -->
<div id="esri_map"
"layersFile": "demo/config-esri-en.js"
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-4">
<!-- Insert Map Start (mandatory) -->
<div class="wb-geomap-map"></div>
<!-- Insert Map End -->
<!-- Insert Layer Data Start (mandatory) -->
<div class="wb-geomap-layers col-md-4"></div>
<!-- Insert Layer Data End -->
<!-- GeomapEnd -->
View config file
var wet_boew_geomap = {
basemap : {
title: "Basic Map",
type: "esri",
url: "",
options: { singleTile: false, ratio: 1.0, projection: "EPSG:3978", fractionalZoom: true },
mapOptions: {
maxExtent: "-3000000.0, -800000.0, 4000000.0, 3900000.0",
maxResolution: "auto",
projection: "EPSG:3978",
restrictedExtent: "-3000000.0, -800000.0, 4000000.0, 3900000.0",
units: "m",
displayProjection: "EPSG:4269",
numZoomLevels: 2
OSM basemap example
Geomap can be configured to use an OSM Tile service (e.g. MapQuest) as basemap. Configuration can be made in the config file in basemap property.
View code
<!-- GeomapStart -->
<div id="osm_map"
"layersFile": "demo/config-osm-en.js"
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-4">
<!-- Insert Map Start (mandatory) -->
<div class="wb-geomap-map"></div>
<!-- Insert Map End -->
<!-- Insert Layer Data Start (mandatory) -->
<div class="wb-geomap-layers col-md-4"></div>
<!-- Insert Layer Data End -->
<!-- GeomapEnd -->
View config file
var wet_boew_geomap = {
title:"MapQuest OSM Map",
mapOptions: {
projection: "EPSG:900913",
center: [ -123,49 ],
zoomLevel: 5
- Date modified: