GCWeb, the WET-BOEW Canada.ca theme
The page templates and design patterns below comprise a reference implementation of the Canada.ca design system, including the mandatory requirement of the Content and Information Architecture (C&IA) Specification. Government of Canada departments and agencies can contribute additional patterns and templates via GCWeb github repository.
- GCWeb v5 Summary and others technical notes
- Implementing GCWeb
- Components
- Templates
- Méli-mélo features
- GC promotional thematic
- Sites and global functionality
Found an C&IA implementation issue or you want to contribute at their development, let us know by submiting GCweb issue, sending pull request or by participating at one of our WET-BOEW weekly Tuesday code sprint.
- Checkboxes and radio buttons (State: Stable)
- Documentations
- Examples
- Specification
- Featured link - Documentation and working example (State: Provisional)
- Context-specific features (State: Stable)
- Documentations
- Feeds plugin GC override (State: Provisional)
- Documentations
- Most requested - Documentation and working example (State: Provisional)
- Services and information (State: Stable)
- Examples
- Documentations
- Subway map menu (State: Provisional)
- Examples
- Documentations
- GC tables (State: Provisional)
- Examples
- Well header responsive (State: Stable)
- Examples
- Other components (State: Stable)
- Context-specific features (State: Stable)
- Examples
- Bubble (State: Stable)
- Chat wizard (State: Provisional)
- Examples
- Documentations
- Related documents
- Data JSON (State: Stable)
- Examples
- Documentations
- Do action (State: Stable)
- Fieldflow (State: Stable)
- Examples
- Documentations
- JSON Manager (State: Stable)
- Examples
- Documentations
- Datalist dynamic suggestion (State: Stable)
- Examples
- URL Mapping (State: Stable)
- Examples
- Documentations
- wb5-click postback converter (State: Deprecated)
- Examples
- Well bold (State: Provisional)
- Advanced Service - Probably deprecated (État: Stable)
- Campaign name (État: Stable)
- Examples
- Documentations
- Home (État: Stable)
- Examples
- Documentations
- Other template (État: Stable)
- Examples
- Content page
- Fluid content page
- Content page - Limited width content
- Content page - GCWeb 4.0.29 font stylee
- Content page - Signed Off
- Content page - Signed On
- Stay connected
- [Theme title]
- Departments and agencies
- Promotional events page (Campaign?)
- Feedback form
- [Audience name]
- Service initiation - Might deprecated
- Examples
- Index (État: Stable)
- Examples
- Documentations
- Institutional profile (État: Stable)
- Laws and regulations pages (État: Stable)
- Examples
- Specification
- Local navigation (État: Stable)
- Ministerial profile (État: Stable)
- Documentations
- Examples
- News (État: Stable)
- Examples
- Organizational profile (État: Stable)
- Search results (État: Stable)
- Examples
- Documentations
- Implementation reference
- Server error message (État: Stable)
- Examples
- Splash page - Canada.ca (État: Stable)
- Examples
- Thematic (État: Provisional)
- Examples
- Beta - Theme, Topic (État: Provisional)
- Examples
- Topic (État: Stable)
- Examples
Consult méli-mélo dedicated page
Sites and global functionality
- Site wide demoed feature (État: Stable)
- Examples
- Breadcrumbs (État: Stable)
- Documentations
- Helpers (État: Stable)
- Documentations
WET-BOEW feature demos styled with Canada.ca theme
GCWeb project documentation
- GCWeb theme - Meta information
- Quick implementation guide - GCWeb theme
- Migration instruction - GCWeb theme V5
- Archived - Documentation - GCWeb English
- Archived - Releases English
- Skeleton - Static header/footer - Bootstrap 3
- Prototype skeleton - Static header/footer - Bootstrap 4
Evaluations and reports
Developping for GCWeb
Install NodeJS
Building GCweb
- Build a local development version:
orgrunt debug
- Run code quality check:
grunt test
- Build production files:
grunt dist
- Compile and assemble méli-mélo:
- Run local:
grunt méli-mélo
- Run from compiled dist:
grunt méli-mélo-runLocal
- Run from wet-boew sites :
grunt méli-mélo-remote
- Run local:
- Regenerate site web content:
grunt site-contents
Run GCWeb wetsite locally
Ensure that you have builded GCWeb first
After your are running docking container or the docker composer you will be able to access your local website at: http://localhost:4000
Build Dockerfile locally
docker build -t jekyll-with-env-options .
Run your image
grunt debug
docker run -it --rm -v "$PWD":/usr/src/app -p "4000:4000" --env JEKYLL_OPTIONS='--config _config.yml,_localJekyll.yml' jekyll-with-env-options
alternative with docker-compose
This version leverage the remote theme wet-beoew/gcweb-jekyll. This equivalent if you run with gh-pages through your own GCWeb repository.
docker-compose up
Run the continous integration and deployment script locally
Install ACT - https://github.com/nektos/act
Github fork needed:
- wet-boew/gcweb
- wet-boew/gcweb-jekyll
- wet-boew/gcweb-compiled-demos
- wet-boew/themes-dist
- wet-boew/themes-cdn
Run the continuous deployment script
act -f deploy-gcweb -s my_token=<XXXXXXXXXXXXXX> -s my_username="<GITHUB USERNAME>" - my_email="<GITHUB HANDLE>@users.noreply.github.com" -a <GITHUB HANDLE>
: Your name, like “John Doe”<GITHUB HANDLE>
: Your github id<XXXXXXXXXXXXXX>
: Your personal access token with access to public repository
Refresh your github pages with the latest theme changes
You can make a commit to your site and it will get regenerated with the latest version of the jekyll theme. Alternatively, the following curl command will told github to regenerate your site.
curl -u <GITHUB HANDLE>:<XXXXXXXXXXXXXX> -X POST https://api.github.com/repos/<GITHUB HANDLE>/<GITHUB REPOSITORY>/pages/builds
: Your github id<XXXXXXXXXXXXXX>
: Your personal access token with access to public repository<GITHUB REPOSITORY>
: Your web site github repository, like “jekyll-website”
Note: A manual update is required if you have specified a version for your jekyll remote theme in your config.yml
Report a problem on this page
- Date modified: