
Work in progress

This page is a work in progress.

Please file an issue or submit a pull request if information or coding is missing, incorrect or out of sync with the main repository (wet-boew/wet-boew).


Use a pagination index for long documents that are best broken up over several pages. A user can select a specific page within a document through either the "Next", "Previous", or (if present) the numeric pagination hyperlinks.

Design and coding

Basic use


Use to break up content and spread it over numerous pages. This makes large content sections easier to read.

Correct use

Compliance point(s):

  • Use .pagination to number the separate pages of a large content section
  • Ensure the pagination is always left-aligned
  • Ensure the navigational links appear as a single row and don't wrap, unless there is a valid reason to do so
  • Add invisible text using <span class"wb-inv"> to make the links descriptive
  • Ensure there is a space between the pagination number and <span class"wb-inv"> to ensure screen readers correctly interpret the code
  • Understand and implement the related supporting principles
Incorrect use

Compliance point(s):

  • Do not use this component in a way that conflicts with the preceding compliance point(s)
<ul class="pagination">
  <li><a href="#" rel="prev">Previous</a></li>
  <li><a href="#">1 <span class="wb-inv">Go to Page 1</span></a>
  <li><a href="#">2 <span class="wb-inv">Go to Page 2</span></a></li>
  <li><a href="#" rel="next">Next</a></li>

Enhanced use

Active state

Use to indicate the current page that the user is on.

Correct use

Compliance point(s):

  • Use .active to indicate the current page the user is on within the pagination
Incorrect use

Compliance point(s):

  • Do not use this component in a way that conflicts with the preceding compliance point(s)
<ul class="pagination">
  <li><a href="#" rel="prev">Previous</a></li>
  <li class="active"><a href="#">1 <span class="wb-inv">(current) Go to Page 1</span></a></li>

Disabled state

Use to hide unnecessary navigation for example, a "Previous" button if the user is on "Page 1" of a content section.


"Previous" is disabled there therefore hidden:

Correct use

Compliance point(s):

  • Use .disabled for unclickable (hidden) links within the pagination
Incorrect use

Compliance point(s):

  • Do not use this component in a way that conflicts with the preceding compliance point(s)
<ul class="pagination">
  <li class="disabled"><a href="#" rel="prev">Previous</a></li>
  <li><a href="#">1 <span class="wb-inv">Go to Page 1</span></a></li>


Use .pagination-lg or .pagination-sm for additional pagination size options.

Correct use

Compliance point(s):

  • Default sizing: Use for typical pagination
  • Small buttons: Use when the pagination appears in a small section of space. This reduces the button size to maximize the amount of buttons that appear in a single row
  • Large button: Use when the pagination needs additional prominence on the page. Since the default buttons already create prominence and a call to action, there is limited value/need to increasing their size
Incorrect use

Compliance point(s):

  • Do not use this component in a way that conflicts with the preceding compliance point(s)
// Default:
<ul class="pagination">...</ul>

// Large: 
<ul class="pagination pagination-lg">...</ul>

// Small:	  
<ul class="pagination pagination-sm">...</ul>

Simple pager

Use to create a simple pagination of just "Previous" and "Next" links.



Full justification buttons

Disabled state (hidden "Previous" button)

Correct use

Compliance point(s):

  • Use .pager when there is a need to only link to the "Previous" or "Next" page
  • Use .previous and .next within the <li> elements to fully justify the <ul class="pager" links
  • Understand and implement the related supporting principles
Incorrect use

Compliance point(s):

  • Do not use this component in a way that conflicts with the preceding compliance point(s)
// Default:
<ul class="pager">
  <li><a href="#" rel="prev">Previous</a></li>
  <li><a href="#" rel="next">Next</a></li>

// Full justification buttons:
<ul class="pager">
  <li class="previous"><a href="#" rel="prev">Previous</a></li>
  <li class="next"><a href="#" rel="next">Next</a></li>

// Disabled state (hidden "Previous"):
<ul class="pager">
  <li class="previous disabled"><a href="#" rel="prev">Previous</a></li>
  <li class="next"><a href="#" rel="next">Next</a></li>

Add-on features

Additional add-on features and behaviours are available.

Supporting principles

Some of the code and documentation for this page is sourced from Bootstrap (external link)

Date modified: