Text editing effects

Work in progress

This page is a work in progress.

Please file an issue or submit a pull request if information or coding is missing, incorrect or out of sync with the main repository (wet-boew/wet-boew).


Use to indicate text edits on a page.

Design and coding

Basic use

Marked text

Use to highlight a section of text for reference purposes, due to its relevance in another context.


Regular text plus marked text .

Correct use

Compliance point(s):

  • Use to mark information that is important in another context
  • Highlight text to show matching search terms or to show text in relation to something else
Incorrect use

Compliance point(s):

  • Do not use this component in a way that conflicts with the preceding compliance point(s)
  • Do not use in place of bold (<strong>) text
    • This tag is not meant to simply highlight key words, phrases, numbers or amount totals

Deleted text

Use to indicate text was deleted.


Regular text plus deleted text.

Correct use

Compliance point(s):

  • Use to show recently deleted text
  • Use sparingly, as it makes a page difficult to read
  • Use to show record changes to an official document, such as meeting minutes or a law
  • Use as a temporary effect on a page
Incorrect use

Compliance point(s):

  • Do not use this component in a way that conflicts with the preceding compliance point(s)

Strikethrough text

Use to indicate text that is no longer relevant.


Regular text plus strikethrough text.

Correct use

Compliance point(s):

  • Use to show something is no longer accurate or no longer relevant
  • Use sparingly, as it makes a page difficult to read
  • Use to show record changes to an official document, such as meeting minutes or a law
  • Use as a temporary effect on a page
Incorrect use

Compliance point(s):

  • Do not use this component in a way that conflicts with the preceding compliance point(s)

Inserted text

Use to indicate additions to a document.


Regular text plus inserted text.

Correct use

Compliance point(s):

  • Do not use this feature
    • It mimics the visual appearance of a link, which causes usability problems
    • Non-links should not look like links
Incorrect use

Compliance point(s):

  • Do not use this component in a way that conflicts with the preceding compliance point(s)

Underlined text

Use to underline text. Do not use this feature on webpages.


Regular text plus underlined text.

Correct use

Compliance point(s):

  • Do not use this feature
    • It mimics the visual appearance of a link, which causes usability problems
    • Non-links should not look like links
Incorrect use

Compliance point(s):

  • Do not use this component in a way that conflicts with the preceding compliance point(s)

Some of the code and documentation for this page is sourced from Bootstrap (external link)

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