Charts and graphs - Simple and easy

Looking for WET v3.1?

WET v4.0 is now the current version. There is a new location for the current page in WET v3.1.


<table class="wb-charts table">

Number of pages by main purpose and audience
Education Task Navigation Support Information Corporate
General 2 0 20 4 100 50
Students 2 2 1 5 50 0
Business 60 10 20 90 50 8
Professional 46 26 5 101 200 142
Lawyer 0 2 4 0 300 300

Area charts

<table class="wb-charts wb-charts-area table">

Number of pages by main purpose and audience
Education Task Navigation Support Information Corporate
General 2 0 20 4 100 50
Students 2 2 1 5 50 0
Business 60 10 20 90 50 8
Professional 46 26 5 101 200 142
Lawyer 0 2 4 0 300 300

Bar charts

<table class="wb-charts wb-charts-bar table">

Number of pages by main purpose and audience
Education Task Navigation Support Information Corporate
General 2 0 20 4 100 50
Students 2 2 1 5 50 0
Business 60 10 20 90 50 8
Professional 46 26 5 101 200 142
Lawyer 0 2 4 0 300 300

Curved Line charts

Learn how to create the following chart, Attend to Using Flot plugins to enhance your charts #WxT #CodeFest2014
I am a working example ;-)
Card Sorting Data 20 32.2 36.4 6.4 5
Trade-marks Request (Annual Report 2011-12) 0 53.4 2.2 32.5 11.9
Trade-marks Main Page Objective 20 20 20 20 20

Pie charts

<table class="wb-charts wb-charts-pie table">

Number of pages by main purpose and audience
Education Task Navigation Support Information Corporate
General 2 0 20 4 100 50
Students 2 2 1 5 50 0
Business 60 10 20 90 50 8
Professional 46 26 5 101 200 142
Lawyer 0 2 4 0 300 300

Data table used

Number of pages by main purpose and audience
Education Task Navigation Support Information Corporate
General 2 0 20 4 100 50
Students 2 2 1 5 50 0
Business 60 10 20 90 50 8
Professional 46 26 5 101 200 142
Lawyer 0 2 4 0 300 300
View code
<table class="table">
	<caption>Number of pages by main purpose and audience</caption>
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