Developer notes and concerns Tablesaw
Developer notes and concerns about the implementation ofthe tablessaw plugin.
Plugin author: Pierre Dubois (Twitter: @duboi5p)
Concern - Which mode of table to use
- Deactivated: No table saw
- Stack: More screen is smaller, eventually the column is change into a consistant group of rows
- Swipe: Navigation available for the column
- Toggle: Choose the column to be displayed.
Notes - Working mode
The intend working mode is to be always activated for every tables
Default Mode: Stack
If specified It could be: Swipe or Toggle
However, the "Swipe" and "Toggle" mode will require more processing because that will require table analysis in order to specify which column are "persisting" and "prioritizing" them.
In order to perform that analysis, I will use the TableParser plugin, so I will be able to determine witch column is persistant and priority.
After, that, I will need to develop a way to avoid "re-parsing" the table, may be use the "sessionStorage"
Column Prioritization
- Key Column: Persist
- Column Header: 1 or persist state is no Key Column
- Descriptive column: 4
- Data Column: 3, then sequential, then sub group will be sub-positioned by summary (higher) then data (lower)
- Summary Column: 2, then sequential, then sub group will be sub-positioned by summary (higher) then data (lower)
Simple implementation coding sample
<tr><th>Col 1<th>Col 2<th>Col 3
<tr><td>Data 1<td>Data 2<td>Data 3
<tr><td>Data 4<td>Data 4<td>Data 6
By default, that table will be in stack mode.
For discussion
Optimization: Is there a way we can we calculate faster if we can avoid to run that plugin, like if the table have enought layout space
Should I align the way to provide any data to that plugin as we currently do for any other plugin, or should I only support the way that filament group did it or should I support both?
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