Working with WET v4.0.x

Learn how to develop plugin and write HTML content into an powerfull WCAG compliant web front-end.

My goal is to teach you:

(This is a work in progress.)

What you should know about WET

Design chalenge

Design principle

Build on top of existing solution

Consult all third party software used in WET
Solution Version Used in WET for...
Bootstrap Sass 3.3.1 Core
es5-shim 2.3.0 Core
html5shiv 3.7.2 Core
jquery 2.1.4 Core
jquery-oldIE jquery#1.11.1 Core
jquery-pjax 1.9.6 Core
jquery-validation 1.15.0 Core
respond 1.4.2 Core
selectivizr 1.0.2 Core
excanvas latest Charts and graph
flot 0.8.3 Charts and graph
SideBySideImproved latest Charts and graph
openlayers 2.13.1 Geomap
proj4 2.3.3 Geomap
magnific-popup 1.0.0 Lighbox
google-code-prettify 1.0.4 Pretify
DataTables 1.10.7 Tables

Based on dependencies for WET 4.0.22 build. Consult bower.json to see the latest information about the dependencies used


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